C and Data structure Interview Questions

Reverse a string using with & without using temp variable?
What is Data Structure, List, Stack, Queue?
Swap two numbers without using temp variable?
Draw/Explain memory layout in C?
What is static variable?
Difference b/t static & global variables?
Diff b/t TCP & UDP?
Explain storage classes in C?
What is volatile variable?
What is diff b/t "const char *" and "char const *" and "char * const" and "const char * const" ?
What is the use of function pointers?
x= 5<<1;  printf(x); What is the value of x & explain?
Why we moved from IPv4 to IPv6?
What is unicast, multicast and broadcast?
Reverse a given number? ex: i/p - 1234, O/P-4321
Explain your project?
Could you please rate your self in C out of 10?
Tell me about your self?
Your weakness?
How to set 5 bit in a variable? / How to set & reset the bit in a variable?
What is constant & which memory it will store in memory layout?
How to delete the 5 node from list?
How to delete 5 from last in the list?
Is it possible to extern static variable? Answer no
Diff b/t global n static variable
What s bss
Wt s Dangling pointer
Wt s d diff b/t malloc n calloc?
Explain calloc?
Wt s function pointer n how do u declare n access?
How do u assign function pointer to a function
Wt s volatile variable?
How do u find loop in linked list
Wt s structure padding n how do u resolve?
Write a pgm to find the systems is littlendian  or big endian
What is LSB n msb
Explain about project
What u did in that project n draw layout of ur project
How number 5 will store in little endian n bid endian
What s function pointer n how do u declare
Explain about OSI model with example
What is call back function?
What s thread? Diff b/t thread and process?
Types of sockets
What s raw socket?
What s the diff b/t L2 n L3?
Write server n client side socket calls for TCP n UDP sockets?
Size of the Mac address , IP v4, ipv6?
How do u find weather the packet s unicast, broadcast n multicast
What s dhcp
What s arp n rarp?
How to find LOOP in single link list?
write a pgm to Reverse a single link list? with and without using recursion.
Find a middle element in single link list with O(1) iteration?
What is memory leak n how to fix or resolve the memory leaks?



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