Example of bit-banging the I²C Master protocol

Example of bit-banging the I²C Master protocol

Below is an example of bit-banging the I²C protocol as an I²C master. The example is written in pseudo C. It illustrates all of the I²C features described before (clock stretching, arbitration, start/stop bit, ack/nack)

// Hardware-specific support functions that MUST be customized:  #define I2CSPEED 100  void I2C_delay() { volatile int v; int i; for (i=0; i < I2CSPEED/2; i++) v; }  bool read_SCL(void); // Set SCL as input and return current level of line, 0 or 1  bool read_SDA(void); // Set SDA as input and return current level of line, 0 or 1  void clear_SCL(void); // Actively drive SCL signal low  void clear_SDA(void); // Actively drive SDA signal low  void arbitration_lost(void);     bool started = false; // global data  void i2c_start_cond(void) {    if (started) { // if started, do a restart cond      // set SDA to 1      read_SDA();      I2C_delay();      while (read_SCL() == 0) {  // Clock stretching        // You should add timeout to this loop      }      // Repeated start setup time, minimum 4.7us      I2C_delay();    }    if (read_SDA() == 0) {      arbitration_lost();    }    // SCL is high, set SDA from 1 to 0.    clear_SDA();    I2C_delay();    clear_SCL();    started = true;  }     void i2c_stop_cond(void){    // set SDA to 0    clear_SDA();    I2C_delay();    // Clock stretching    while (read_SCL() == 0) {      // add timeout to this loop.    }    // Stop bit setup time, minimum 4us    I2C_delay();    // SCL is high, set SDA from 0 to 1    if (read_SDA() == 0) {      arbitration_lost();    }    I2C_delay();    started = false;  }     // Write a bit to I2C bus  void i2c_write_bit(bool bit) {    if (bit) {      read_SDA();    } else {      clear_SDA();    }    I2C_delay();    while (read_SCL() == 0) { // Clock stretching      // You should add timeout to this loop    }    // SCL is high, now data is valid    // If SDA is high, check that nobody else is driving SDA    if (bit && read_SDA() == 0) {      arbitration_lost();    }    I2C_delay();    clear_SCL();  }     // Read a bit from I2C bus  bool i2c_read_bit(void) {    bool bit;    // Let the slave drive data    read_SDA();    I2C_delay();    while (read_SCL() == 0) { // Clock stretching      // You should add timeout to this loop    }    // SCL is high, now data is valid    bit = read_SDA();    I2C_delay();    clear_SCL();    return bit;  }     // Write a byte to I2C bus. Return 0 if ack by the slave.  bool i2c_write_byte(bool send_start,                      bool send_stop,                      unsigned char byte) {    unsigned bit;    bool nack;    if (send_start) {      i2c_start_cond();    }    for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {      i2c_write_bit((byte & 0x80) != 0);      byte <<= 1;    }    nack = i2c_read_bit();    if (send_stop) {      i2c_stop_cond();    }    return nack;  }     // Read a byte from I2C bus  unsigned char i2c_read_byte(bool nack, bool send_stop) {    unsigned char byte = 0;    unsigned bit;    for (bit = 0; bit < 8; bit++) {      byte = (byte << 1) | i2c_read_bit();    }    i2c_write_bit(nack);    if (send_stop) {      i2c_stop_cond();    }    return byte;  }  



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