Interview questions of in June 2012
Certain Interview questions of in June 2012
These are certain questions asked in Post your answers.
1. You have two arrays, size n and n+m. The first array has n elements and the second array has m elements. Merge the two arrays and store the result in the second array in a sorted manner and without using extra space.
2. In a city there are M Buses running between different places, The starting and the destination places are given. Design a data structure, to find the number of buses between the start and the destination. If there is no direct bus, choose the next shortest number of buses needed in that route.
3. In MS paint, a closed diagram can be drawn and buckets can be used to fill it with the color of our choice.What data structure would you choose to fill it in the most efficient way possible?
4. Given a preordered array of a tree, construct a regular tree which is the same as the one from which the preordered array was derived. Construct the tree with a complexity n.
5. Write a code to check if a tree, is balanced or not.
6. Design a data structure to construct a phone book with search cost of 1. (The phonebook should hold Ravi, ravitha etc or two Ravi.)
7. An infinite number of dynamic words are continuously entering. Design an algorithm to find the top 5 frequent words at any point of time.
8. If a word is typed in Google, it will show few more list of words as suggestions in a dropdownlist. For Eg. If u type what, it will show what is your name, what is your father's name, what is your college name.. etc in 8 words. Give a suitable data structure, as well as best way to list those suggestions.
Thank you,
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